
Lesson111 ——Dan’s a Good Swimmer

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第一一一課 丹很會游泳

◎Dialogue Lusy: Dan’s a good swimmer, isn’t he? Lewis : Yes. In fact, he’s a lifeguard. Lucy: Wow! Can he teach me the butterfly and the backstroke? Lewis: Yes. He can also teach you the free style and the breaststroke. Lucy: Great! ◎實用會話 露西:丹很會游泳,是不是? 路易士:是啊!事實上,他是個救生員。 露西:哇!他能教我蝶泳和仰泳嗎? 路易士:能,他還能教妳自由式和蛙式。 露西:太棒了! (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:292)